

ConstraintEnforcement(self, value)

Enum defining constraint handling strategies.


Problem Bounds, defined as a Box Constraint

IntegerConstraint(self, fn, weight, ...)

General Constraint, defined by a function

IntegerConstraintSet(self[, constraints])

A set of constraints


A Solution object, which is a container for a search point and its corresponding fitness value.

IntegerState(self, initial)

A state of a problem.

LogInfo(self, evaluations, raw_y, ...[, ...])

LogInfo struct.

MetaData(self, problem_id, instance, name, ...)

Problem meta data.

OptimizationType(self, value)

Enum used for defining whether the problem is subject to minimization or maximization


Problem Bounds, defined as a Box Constraint

RealConstraint(self, fn, weight, exponent, ...)

General Constraint, defined by a function

RealConstraintSet(self[, constraints])

A set of constraints


A Solution object, which is a container for a search point and its corresponding fitness value.

RealState(self, initial)

A state of a problem.