Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (PBO) problem set, which contains 25 test functions taking their domain on {0, 1}^n, where n is the length of bitstrings.

In PBO, we cover some theory-motivated function, e.g., OneMax and LeadingOnes as well as others with more practical relevance, e.g., the NK Landscape [DoerrYHWSB20]. We also utilized the so-called W-model for generating/enriching the problem set [WeiseW18].



ConcatenatedTrap(self, instance, n_variables)

Concatenated Trap (CT) is defined by partitioning a bit-string into segments of length k and concatenating m = n/k trap functions that takes each segment as input.

IsingRing(self, instance, n_variables)

The Ising Spin Glass model arose in solid-state physics and statistical mechanics, aiming to describe simple interactions within many-particle systems.

IsingTorus(self, instance, n_variables)

The Ising Spin Glass model arose in solid-state physics and statistical mechanics, aiming to describe simple interactions within many-particle systems.

IsingTriangular(self, instance, n_variables)

The Ising Spin Glass model arose in solid-state physics and statistical mechanics, aiming to describe simple interactions within many-particle systems.

LABS(self, instance, n_variables)

Low Autocorrelation Binary Sequences (LABS): x ↦ n^2 / 2∑_{k=1}^{n-1}(∑_{i=1}^{n−k}s_is_{i+k})^2, where s_i = 2x_i − 1

LeadingOnes(self, instance, n_variables)

LeadingOnes: {0,1}^n → [0..n], x ↦ max{i∈[0..n] ∣ ∀j≤i: x_j=1}

LeadingOnesDummy1(self, instance, n_variables)

A variant of LeadingOnes applying the Dummy transformation of W-model.

LeadingOnesDummy2(self, instance, n_variables)

A variant of LeadingOnes applying the Dummy transformation of W-model.

LeadingOnesEpistasis(self, instance, n_variables)

A variant of LeadingOnes applying the Epistasis transformation of W-model.

LeadingOnesNeutrality(self, instance, ...)

A variant of LeadingOnes applying the Neutrality transformation of W-model.

LeadingOnesRuggedness1(self, instance, ...)

A variant of LeadingOnes applying the first Ruggnedness transformation in https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2019.106027.

LeadingOnesRuggedness2(self, instance, ...)

A variant of LeadingOnes applying the second Ruggnedness transformation in https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2019.106027.

LeadingOnesRuggedness3(self, instance, ...)

A variant of LeadingOnes applying the third Ruggnedness transformation in https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2019.106027.

Linear(self, instance, n_variables)

A Linear Function with Harmonic Weights: {0,1}^n → ℝ, x ↦ ∑_i i * x_i

MIS(self, instance, n_variables)

The maximum independent vertex set (MIVS) formulated as x ↦ ∑_i x_i - n ∑_{i,j} x_i x_j e_{i,j}, where e_{i,j} = 1 if {i,j} in E, otherwise e_{i,j} = 0.

NQueens(self, instance, n_variables)

The N-queens problem (NQP) is defined as the task to place N queens on an N*N chessboard in such a way that they cannot attack each other.

OneMax(self, instance, n_variables)

OneMax: {0,1}^n → [0..n], x ↦ ∑_{i=1}^n x_i.

OneMaxDummy1(self, instance, n_variables)

A variant of OneMax applying the Dummy transformation of W-model.

OneMaxDummy2(self, instance, n_variables)

A variant of OneMax applying the Dummy transformation of W-model.

OneMaxEpistasis(self, instance, n_variables)

A variant of OneMax applying the Epistasis transformation of W-model.

OneMaxNeutrality(self, instance, n_variables)

A variant of OneMax applying the Neutrality transformation of W-model.

OneMaxRuggedness1(self, instance, n_variables)

A variant of OneMax applying the first Ruggnedness transformation in https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2019.106027.

OneMaxRuggedness2(self, instance, n_variables)

A variant of OneMax applying the second Ruggnedness transformation in https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2019.106027.

OneMaxRuggedness3(self, instance, n_variables)

A variant of OneMax applying the third Ruggnedness transformation in https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2019.106027.


Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (PBO) problem set.

Class Inheritance Diagram#

Inheritance diagram of ioh.iohcpp.problem.ConcatenatedTrap, ioh.iohcpp.problem.IsingRing, ioh.iohcpp.problem.IsingTorus, ioh.iohcpp.problem.IsingTriangular, ioh.iohcpp.problem.LABS, ioh.iohcpp.problem.LeadingOnes, ioh.iohcpp.problem.LeadingOnesDummy1, ioh.iohcpp.problem.LeadingOnesDummy2, ioh.iohcpp.problem.LeadingOnesEpistasis, ioh.iohcpp.problem.LeadingOnesNeutrality, ioh.iohcpp.problem.LeadingOnesRuggedness1, ioh.iohcpp.problem.LeadingOnesRuggedness2, ioh.iohcpp.problem.LeadingOnesRuggedness3, ioh.iohcpp.problem.Linear, ioh.iohcpp.problem.MIS, ioh.iohcpp.problem.NQueens, ioh.iohcpp.problem.OneMax, ioh.iohcpp.problem.OneMaxDummy1, ioh.iohcpp.problem.OneMaxDummy2, ioh.iohcpp.problem.OneMaxEpistasis, ioh.iohcpp.problem.OneMaxNeutrality, ioh.iohcpp.problem.OneMaxRuggedness1, ioh.iohcpp.problem.OneMaxRuggedness2, ioh.iohcpp.problem.OneMaxRuggedness3, ioh.iohcpp.problem.PBO


[DoerrYHWSB20] Carola Doerr, Furong Ye, Naama Horesh, Hao Wang, Ofer M. Shir, and Thomas Bäck. “Benchmarking discrete optimization heuristics with IOHprofiler.” Applied Soft Computing 88 (2020): 106027.

[WeiseW18] Thomas Weise and Zijun Wu. “Difficult features of combinatorial optimization problems and the tunable w-model benchmark problem for simulating them.” In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, pp. 1769-1776. 2018.