
ioh-server is an executable that serves objective function calls for many problems available in IOHexperimenter. It holds an Analyzer logger so that runs performed by a client solver can be analyzed in IOHanalyzer later on. It use a simple protocol where messages between the client and the server are encoded in JSON.

Build and run#


The ioh-server is build along with IOHexperimenter if you enabled the BUILD_SERVER option.

For example with:



The server expects you to indicates the I/O named pipes FIFO. Under Linux, you would create them with:

mkfifo query reply

You can then run the server with the default configuration as:

./server/ioh-server query reply

To set up the problem actually served, use the following options:

  • -t, --type arg: Problem type (integer or real),

  • -p, –problem arg: Problem name (default: OneMax),

  • -i, –instance arg: Instance identifier (default: 0),

  • -d, –dimension arg: Problem dimension (default: 1).

For example:

ioh-server -t real -p Rosenbrock -i 1 -d 10 query reply

You can list the available problems using the help-problems option, but you need to indicate the type of problems (“integer” or “real”):

ioh-server -t real --help-problems

More options are available, see ioh-server --help.



Messages can be either queries, from the (solver) client to the (problem) server; or replies, from the problem (server) to the solver (client).

A message is a JSON object always holding a query_type (string) field.


Possible replies:



value or error

The solver send a solution and expect its value.


ack or error

The solver ask for reseting the logger state.


ack or error

The solver ask for the server to stop (probably not enabled on production servers).

Calls and values#

A call query holds the solution to be evaluated by the objective function, in the form of an array of number.

Example of a call query message:

    "solution": [10,10]

which would be answered by a reply similar to:

    "reply_type": "value",
    "value": 21

Optionaly, the value reply can send back the solution.


An error reply should always provide a description in the message (string) field.

Optionally, it can give a code (integer), as a unique identifier of the error type.

Metadata fields#

All messages have the following optional fields:

  • id (integer): a unique identifier of the query (in a reply, refers to the related query),

  • timestamp (date-time): date and time of the message,

  • remarks (string): generic comment (e.g. software version).


The communication between the client and the server goes through named pipe FIFO. There is one named pipe for queries (in which the client writes and the server reads) and one for replies (in which the server writes and the client reads).

Client implementation#

Implementation is simple as it just consists in writing (resp. reading) a query (resp. reply) file, just as you would do with regular files.

The simplest client, making a single query, can be written in Python as:

import json

# Forge a JSON `call` query:
squery = json.dumps( {"query_type":"call", "solution":[0,1,1,0,1]} )

# Send it to the server:
with open("query",'w') as fd:

# Wait for the answer and read it when it's available:
with open("reply",'r') as fd:
    sreply =

# Decode the JSON:
jreply = json.loads(sreply)

# Extract the objective function value:
value = jreply["solution"]

An example implementation of a solver client is given in Python in


Named pipes are special files with blocking input/output, which means that a process reading such a file will be suspended until there is something to read. This allows for very simple I/O code, avoiding polling and complex network management: all you have to do to implement a client is to write the query in the query file, then read the reply in the reply file. The execution will advance only when the reply have been written in the file.

The theoretical principle can be represented by this UML sequence diagram:

            Named pipes
┌──────┐ ┌─────┐   ┌─────┐ ┌──────┐
│Client│ │reply│   │query│ │Server│
└───┬──┘ └─┬───┘   └─┬───┘ └───┬──┘
    │      │         │         │
    │      │         │  ┌──────╢
    │      │    block│  │ wait ║
    │query │         │  └─────→║
    ├───────────────→│         │
    ╟─────┐│         ├────────→│
    ║wait ││block    │         ║process
    ║←────┘│         │         ║
    │      │←──────────────────┤
    │←─────┤         │    reply│
    │      │         │         │
    ┊      ┊         ┊         ┊

Note that the service should be started first, waiting for the input.

Going further#

Validate messages#

The formal description of a queries is available in ioh-query.schema.yaml, the one for replies in ioh-reply.schema.yaml.

The description follows the JSON Scehma format (draft 07), but is presented in the (strictly equivalent) YAML format, easier to read for humans and allowing for comments.

One can validate any message against those schema, using the Singularity container defined by message_validator.sindef. To build this container, install SingularityCE and run singularity build message_validator.sif message_validator.sindef. To validate a message simply run: `singularity run message_validator.sif

<schema.yaml> <message.json>`.

Network gateway#

If you want to expose such a service as a network server, just use socat.

For example, to get data query from the network for service1:

socat -v -u TCP-LISTEN:8423,reuseaddr PIPE:./query

You can test it by sending something on the connection:

echo "Hello World!" > /dev/tcp/

Conversely, to send automatically back the answer to some server:

socat -v -u PIPE:./reply TCP2:8424:host

Be aware that socat will terminate as soon as it receives the end of the message. Thus, if you want to establish a permanent gate, you will have to use the fork option:

socat TCP-LISTEN:8478,reuseaddr,fork PIPE:/./query