


struct Meta#

Graph meta data.

Public Members

std::string edge_file#

File with edge data.

std::string edge_weights#

file with edge weights

std::string vertex_weights#

File with vertex weights.

std::string constraint_weights#

File with constraint weights.

std::string constraint_variances#

File with constraint variances.

fs::path root#

The root path of the files.

bool is_edge = false#

Edge type.

bool digraph = false#

Fixed chance constraint.

Is digraph

double constraint_limit = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()#

Maximum value of the constraint.

int n_vertices = 0#

The number of vertices.

Public Static Functions

static inline Meta from_string(const std::string &definition)#

Load a graph from a string.


struct Graph : public ioh::common::HasRepr#

Abstraction of graph data.

Subclassed by ioh::problem::submodular::pwt::TTPGraph

Public Functions

inline Graph(const Meta &meta)#

Constructor from meta data.

inline Graph(const std::string &definition)#

Constructor from string.

inline virtual std::string repr() const override#

String representation.

inline virtual void load()#

Load method.

inline int dimension()#

Accessor for dimension, loads the graph if it is not loaded.

Public Members

Meta meta#

Meta data.

std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, double>>> adjacency_list#

Adjacency list.

std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, double>> edges#

Edge list.

std::vector<double> edge_weights#

Edge weights.

std::vector<double> vertex_weights#

Vertex weights.

std::vector<double> constraint_weights#

Constraint weights.

std::vector<double> constraint_variances#
double chance_cons#
bool loaded = false#

Flag to denoted wheter the graph has been loaded in memory.