
Loggers and associated objects.


Loggers are triggered by Trigger objects, these can be combined and added to a given logger. When a trigger evaluates to true, the logger logs data.



Trigger that always evaluates to true

At(self, time_points)

Trigger that evaluates to true at specific time points

During(self, time_ranges)

Trigger that evaluates to true during a given interval.

Each(self, interval[, starting_at])

Trigger that evaluates to true at a given interval

OnDeltaImprovement(self[, delta])

Trigger that evaluates to true when improvement of the objective function is observed of at least greater than delta


Trigger that evaluates to true when improvement of the objective function is observed


Trigger that evaluates to true when there is a contraint violation


Base class for all Triggers

Class Inheritance Diagram#

Inheritance diagram of ioh.iohcpp.logger.trigger.Always, ioh.iohcpp.logger.trigger.At, ioh.iohcpp.logger.trigger.During, ioh.iohcpp.logger.trigger.Each, ioh.iohcpp.logger.trigger.OnDeltaImprovement, ioh.iohcpp.logger.trigger.OnImprovement, ioh.iohcpp.logger.trigger.OnViolation, ioh.iohcpp.logger.trigger.Trigger


Wrapper classes for properties to be logged.


AbstractProperty(self, arg0)

Base class for all Properties

CurrentBestY(self, name, format)

Property which tracks the CurrentBestY

CurrentY(self, name, format)

Property which tracks the CurrentY

Evaluations(self, name, format)

Property which tracks the Evaluations

Penalty(self, name, format)

Property which tracks the Penalty

Property(self, container, attribute)

Wrapper for properties with a Python container

RawY(self, name, format)

Property which tracks the RawY

RawYBest(self, name, format)

Property which tracks the RawYBest

TransformedY(self, name, format)

Property which tracks the TransformedY

TransformedYBest(self, name, format)

Property which tracks the TransformedYBest

Violation(self, name, format)

Property which tracks the Violation


Class Inheritance Diagram#

Inheritance diagram of ioh.iohcpp.logger.property.AbstractProperty, ioh.iohcpp.logger.property.CurrentBestY, ioh.iohcpp.logger.property.CurrentY, ioh.iohcpp.logger.property.Evaluations, ioh.iohcpp.logger.property.Penalty, ioh.iohcpp.logger.property.Property, ioh.iohcpp.logger.property.RawY, ioh.iohcpp.logger.property.RawYBest, ioh.iohcpp.logger.property.TransformedY, ioh.iohcpp.logger.property.TransformedYBest, ioh.iohcpp.logger.property.Violation


All the supported loggers.


AbstractLogger(self[, triggers, properties])

Base class for loggers which track properties

Analyzer(self, triggers, ...)

A logger which stores all tracked properties to a file.

Combine(*args, **kwargs)

Utility class to combine multiple loggers


Emperical Attainment Function Logger

EAH(*args, **kwargs)

Emperical Attainment Histogram Logger

FlatFile(self, triggers, properties[, ...])

A logger which stores all tracked properties to a file.


Base class for all loggers

Store(self, triggers, properties)

A logger which stores all tracked properties in memory.

Class Inheritance Diagram#

Inheritance diagram of ioh.iohcpp.logger.AbstractLogger, ioh.iohcpp.logger.Analyzer, ioh.iohcpp.logger.Combine, ioh.iohcpp.logger.EAF, ioh.iohcpp.logger.EAH, ioh.iohcpp.logger.FlatFile, ioh.iohcpp.logger.Logger, ioh.iohcpp.logger.Store