- class ioh.iohcpp.problem.MaxCut#
Max-Cut problems
The maximum cut problem is a classical NP-hard problem and can be defined as follows. Given an undirected weighted graph G = (V, E, w) with weights w: E → R≥0 on the edges, the goal is to select a set V1 ⊆ V such that the sum of the weight of edges between V1 and V2 = V V1 is maximal.
For a given search point x ∈ {0, 1}^n where n = |V|, we have V1(x) = {vi | xi = 1} and V2(x) = {vi | xi = 0}. Let C(x) = {e ∈ E | e ∩ V1(x) 6= ∅ ∧ e ∩ V2(x) 6= ∅} be the cut of a given search point x. The goal is to maximize f’(x) = Sum_{e∈C(x)} w(e).
[Neumann23] Neumann, Frank, Aneta Neumann, Chao Qian, Viet Anh Do, Jacob de Nobel, Diederick Vermetten, Saba Sadeghi Ahouei, Furong Ye, Hao Wang, and Thomas Bäck. “Benchmarking Algorithms for Submodular Optimization Problems Using IOHProfiler.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.01464 (2023).
Attributes Summary
The bounds of the problem.
The constraints of the problem.
The data is that being sent to the logger.
The static meta-data of the problem containing, e.g., problem id, instance id, and problem's dimensionality
The optimum and its objective value for a problem instance
The current state of the optimization process containing, e.g., the current solution and the number of function evaluated consumed so far
Methods Summary
Evaluate the problem.
add a constraint
Attach a logger to the problem to allow performance tracking.
(*args, **kwargs)Overloaded function.
Remove the specified logger from the problem.
Enforced the bounds (box-constraints) as constraint :param weight: :type weight: The weight for computing the penalty (can be infinity to have strict box-constraints) :param how: :type how: The enforcement strategy, should be one of the 'ioh.ConstraintEnforcement' options :param exponent: :type exponent: The exponent for scaling the contraint
([path])remove a constraint
Reset all state variables of the problem.
update the problem id
update the problem instance
update the problem name
Attributes Documentation
- bounds#
The bounds of the problem.
- constraints#
The constraints of the problem.
- log_info#
The data is that being sent to the logger.
- meta_data#
The static meta-data of the problem containing, e.g., problem id, instance id, and problem’s dimensionality
- optimum#
The optimum and its objective value for a problem instance
- problems#
- state#
The current state of the optimization process containing, e.g., the current solution and the number of function evaluated consumed so far
Methods Documentation
- __call__()#
Evaluate the problem.
- Parameters:
x (list) – the search point to evaluate. It must be a 1-dimensional array/list whose length matches search space’s dimensionality
- Returns:
The evaluated search point
- Return type:
Evaluate the problem.
- Parameters:
x (list[list]) – the search points to evaluate. It must be a 2-dimensional array/list whose length matches search space’s dimensionality
- Returns:
The evaluated search points
- Return type:
- add_constraint()#
add a constraint
- attach_logger()#
Attach a logger to the problem to allow performance tracking.
- Parameters:
logger (Logger) – A logger-object from the IOHexperimenter logger module.
- static create(*args, **kwargs)#
Overloaded function.
create(problem_name: str, instance_id: int, dimension: int) -> ioh.iohcpp.problem.GraphProblem
Create a problem instance
- problem_name: str
a string indicating the problem name.
- instance_id: int
an integer identifier of the problem instance
- dimension: int
the dimensionality of the search space
create(problem_id: int, instance_id: int, dimension: int) -> ioh.iohcpp.problem.GraphProblem
Create a problem instance
- problem_name: int
a string indicating the problem name.
- instance_id: int
an integer identifier of the problem instance
- dimension: int
the dimensionality of the search space
- detach_logger()#
Remove the specified logger from the problem.
- enforce_bounds()#
Enforced the bounds (box-constraints) as constraint :param weight: :type weight: The weight for computing the penalty (can be infinity to have strict box-constraints) :param how: :type how: The enforcement strategy, should be one of the ‘ioh.ConstraintEnforcement’ options :param exponent: :type exponent: The exponent for scaling the contraint
- static load_instances(path: ioh.iohcpp.logger.Path | None = None) None #
- remove_constraint()#
remove a constraint
- reset()#
Reset all state variables of the problem.
- set_id()#
update the problem id
- set_instance()#
update the problem instance
- set_name()#
update the problem name