
class ioh.Experiment(algorithm: ~typing.Any, fids: ~typing.List[int], iids: ~typing.List[int], dims: ~typing.List[int], reps: int = 1, problem_class: ~ioh.ProblemClass = ProblemClass.REAL, njobs: int = 1, logged: bool = True, logger_triggers: ~typing.List[~ioh.iohcpp.logger.trigger.Trigger] = [<ioh.iohcpp.logger.trigger.OnImprovement object>], logger_additional_properties: ~typing.List[~ioh.iohcpp.logger.property.AbstractProperty] = [], output_directory: str = './', folder_name: str = 'ioh_data', algorithm_name: str | None = None, algorithm_info: str = 'algorithm_info', store_positions: bool = False, experiment_attributes: ~typing.Dict[str, str] = {}, run_attributes: ~typing.List[str] = [], logged_attributes: ~typing.List[str] = [], merge_output: bool = True, zip_output: bool = True, remove_data: bool = False, enforce_bounds: bool = False, old_logger: bool = False)#

Bases: object

Class to help easily setup benchmarking experiments.

  • algorithm (Any) – A instance of a given algorithm. Must implement a __call__ method taking a ioh.problem as argument.

  • fids (List[int]) – A list of integer problem ids to evaluate

  • iids (List[int],) – A list of integer problem instances to evaluate

  • dims (List[int],) – A list of integer problem dimensions to evaluate

  • reps (int = 1,) – The number of independent repetitions for each problem, instance dimension combination

  • problem_class (ProblemClass = ProblemClass.REAL) – The type of problems to test.

  • njobs (int = 1) – The number of parallel jobs, -1 assigns all available cpu’s,

  • logged (bool = True) – Whether or not the experiment uses a logger

  • logger_triggers (List[logger.trigger.Trigger]) – A list of trigger instances, used to determine when to trigger

  • logger_additional_properties (List[logger.property.AbstractProperty]) – A list of additional properties to be logged. If the properties to be logged are members of algorithm, you can also provide a list of attribute names to logged_attributes.

  • output_directory (str = "./") – The root output directory for the logger

  • folder_name (str = "ioh_data") – The name of the output directory for the logger

  • algorithm_name (str = None) – A name for the algorithm. This is used in the log files.

  • algorithm_info (str = "") – Optional information, additional information used in log files

  • optimization_type (OptimizationType = OptimizationType.MIN) – The type of optimization

  • store_positions (bool = False) – Whether to store the x-positions in the data-files

  • experiment_attributes (Dict[str, str] = []) – Attributes additionally stored per experiment. These are static throughout the experiment and stored in the .info files.

  • run_attributes (List[str] = []) – Names of attributes which are updated at every run, i.e. run index. These are stored in the .info files. Note that each of these attributes is required to be an attribute on algorithm.

  • logged_attributes (List[str] = []) – Names of attributes which are updated during the run of the algoritm, and are logged in the data files at every time point there is a logging action. Note that each of these attributes is required to be an attribute on algorithm.

  • merge_output (bool = True) – Whether to merge output from multiple folders with the same folder_name. When run in parallel, seperate folder are produced. This option attempts to merge the folders back in single results. Note that this will also merge data already present in the folder, when the same name is used.

  • zip_output (bool = True) – Whether to produce a .zip folder of output

  • remove_data (bool = False) – Whether to remove all the produced data, except for the .zip file (when produced).

Methods Summary


Run the experiment

add_custom_problem(p[, name])

Add a custom problem to the list of functions to be evaluated.

apply(algorithm, problem)

Apply a given algorithm to a problem

evaluate(ii, job)

Evaluate a single function using self.algoritm.

merge_output_to_single_folder(prefix, ...)

Merges all ioh data folders into a single folder, having the same folder name prefix


Merges the output of the temporary folders of the experiment


Alias for __call__

Methods Documentation


Run the experiment

add_custom_problem(p: callable, name: str | None = None, **kwargs)#

Add a custom problem to the list of functions to be evaluated.

  • p (callable) – A function which takes an list of numeric values and return as list of numeric values

  • name (str) – An optional name of the the newly added function.

apply(algorithm: any, problem: RealSingleObjective | IntegerSingleObjective)#

Apply a given algorithm to a problem

evaluate(ii: int, job: Tuple[int, int, int])#

Evaluate a single function using self.algoritm.

Note that this functions makes a copy of the algorithm for each new problem instantiation.

  • ii (int) – Iterator id

  • job[fid (int, iid: int, dim: int]) – The problem id, the instance id and the problem dimension

merge_output_to_single_folder(prefix: str, target_folder: str)#

Merges all ioh data folders into a single folder, having the same folder name prefix

  • prexix (str) – The prefix on which to select folders

  • target_folder (str) – The target folder, i.e. the folder with the final output


Merges the output of the temporary folders of the experiment


Alias for __call__