Experimenter for Iterative Optimization Heuristics (IOHs), built natively in* C++
- Documentation: https://iohprofiler.github.io/IOHexperimenter
- Publication: https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.04077
IOHexperimenter provides:
- A framework to ease the benchmarking of any iterative optimization heuristic
- Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (PBO) problem set (25 pseudo-Boolean problems)
- Integration of the well-known Black-black Optimization Benchmarking (BBOB) problem set (24 continuous problems)
- W-model problem sets constructed on OneMax and LeadingOnes
- Integration of the Tree Decomposition (TD) Mk Landscapes problems
- Integration of the submodular optimization problems in Competition - Evolutionary Submodular Optimisation GECCO 2022
- Interface for adding new problems and suite/problem set
- Advanced logging module that takes care of registering the data in a seamless manner
- Data format is compatible with IOHanalyzer
C++ Interface
- Instructions regarding installation and a quickstart guide can be found on GitHub
- A full API documentation is available here
Python Interface
- pip package
- A extensive tutorial can be found in the python notebook
- A more condensed set of examples can be found here
- A full API documentation is available here
GitHub Page
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BSD 3-Clause
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Citing IOHprofiler
Diederick Vermetten
Jacob de Nobel
Furong Ye
Hao Wang
Ofer M. Shir
Carola Doerr
Thomas Bäck