Development team
- Diederick Vermetten, LIACS, Leiden University, The Netherlands
- Jacob de Nodel, LIACS, Leiden University, The Netherlands
- Furong Ye, LIACS, Leiden University, The Netherlands
- Hao Wang, LIACS, Leiden University, The Netherlands
- Johann Dréo, Systems Biology Group, Institut Pasteur, Université de Paris, France
- Ofer M. Shir, Tel-Hai College, Israel
- Carola Doerr, Sorbonne University, CNRS, LIP6, Paris, France
- Thomas Bäck, LIACS, Leiden University, The Netherlands
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Citing IOHprofiler
Diederick Vermetten
Jacob de Nobel
Furong Ye
Hao Wang
Ofer M. Shir
Carola Doerr
Thomas Bäck